Thursday 17 May 2007

Current career struggles

As a share-holder in a new retail outlet, a pseudo-franchise of an existing operation, life has its challenges. Weekend working, late evenings, lower sales than expected all lead to a "trapped" feeling at times. Head-office, whose business model I must implement, believe that if they were here personally then sales would be higher. Perhaps they're right. To that end they've hired a "Performance Coach" to work with me on my motivations, skills and performance. It has been an interesting process, allowing me question where I am, what's important to me, and where I want to go. He has asked me about my ability to commit, my response to under-performance and my attitude, in order for me to help me see myself as others might, a mirror to myself in essence. This is an on-going process.

The personal side of all this is that my wife and children want to see me more. My wife doesn't have a business background, either in her own experience or that of her parents, while I do. Therefore our expectations are different. I need to prioritise. God is first, wife second, children third, work fourth and self fifth. What does God want me to be, where and when? Questions, questions, questions.....

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